Sourcing the finest ingredients

“The cornerstone of our operation is the raw ingredients. Over the years, we have built up relationships with a number of artisan producers whose integrity we trust. It is the only way to ensure that the quality of the dishes remains consistently high and we can deliver authentic Italian flavours.”

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Antica Corte

Massimo Spigaroli’s great grandfather, a sharecropper on the Piantador farm belonging to Giuseppe Verdi, came to Corte Pallavicina, and with his acquired expertise, raised livestock, grew vegetables and cured pork in the winter months using age-old methods.  Today Corte Pallavicina is renowned for producing some of the finest cured meats in the world.


Pietra Santa

Raffaelle Leobilla from Pietra Santa Azienda gave up a successful career as a chef to revive his parents’ farm, and having trained as a taster of olive oil, he now produces a premium Karpene olive oil from the 2000 year old Oliarola Cultivar olive trees. From his organic farm we also source Fiaschetto tomato passata, dried broad beans and Saragolla durum wheat.

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Del Trego

Dario Francescato supplies us with some amazing radicchio, Tardivo, Rosa and Cicorino. He is the 3rd generation from Del Trego farm near Treviso, Veneto, which specialises in growing radicchio among other Italian vegetables.  He oversees the time-consuming process of cultivating and curing the radicchio


Azienda Agricola Belisario

The Belisario family from a small village, Sarconi in Basilicata, have 22 varieties of beans, each with its distinctive shape, colour and taste, some of which have been saved from extinction. What makes the taste so special is the soil of the area and the water of the Sciaura river. The superior quality of these beans has earned them their own IGP status.  Due to their exceptionally thin skin, they cook quickly and are highly digestible.

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The Rare Breed Meat Company

The Rare Breed Meat Company rear and source all their meats, offering complete traceability to ensure that the highest levels of animal welfare are followed. All the animals are reared within a 30 mile radius of their base, in free range environments and fed only natural foods without any form of growth promoters.